the stuff

Ever wonder what cycles through the mind of an entrepreneur?

On August 1, 2023, Terrence Taylor re-entered the "podcast" space by recording an episode every day for 50 days. This journey included juggling co-parenting with business & personal development, creating a "merchandise" line, content production behind-the-scenes, excessive bloopers, too many life challenges and a direct pathway into the creative mind of Mr. Terrence Taylor.

MiSuNDERStoOd II explore stories of entrepreneurship, self discovery, personal & professional boundaries, mindset, creativity and connecting your life dots to live a more delightful, fulfilling (and profitable) life.

Follow along the real-time journey of creating TALKS TOO MUCH International Speaking & Coaching.



How do you take what you learned over there and apply it over here?

What life skills did I learn through youth sports and how can I transfer those skills to adulthood? Maybe this is why athletes perform so well in the corporate space…

What lessons from missing the game winning shot can be applied to raising your four-year old? Or to making more money? Or, how do I maximize the lesson from Ms. Frizzle’s fourth grade science class and use that in adult life? How is geometry useful as a grown up?

Kobe Bryant studied shark movements to prepare to guard Allen Iverson. Life is all about learning some of this, mixing it with a little bit of that, reflecting on the lumps we endured as a child and making use of it as adults, here and now.


“Hire Terrence.”

Great idea!